Hey family,
It is so good to hear from you
again! Man I can’t agree with you enough
about the time flying especially with the job that we have... the week flies...
it actually kind of scares me sometimes. Wow can you believe that I left a
little less than a year ago?! Wow.... I can’t believe how fast the phases are
moving in my life... but I am trying to make the most of it.
I loved hearing about your week. It
is good to hear that Olivia is staying active with all of her activities! Keep
it up V! Man I miss Monday night dinner and FHE with you guys. Not doing it now
makes me realize how much I treasure it. Thank you for being so consistent
through all those years!
I’m glad that you are up at the Phips
having a good ol’ time. Have a good time if you go up to the mountain. That was
such a good time last year! Thanks for always making an effort to make fun
family memories.
Q & A
1. So the whole week we have been
jam packed with activities. Right now in the mission we are making a big push
on getting missionaries out of some of the gross houses there are and getting
into better houses. That means that we are going around and cleaning the old
houses and giving them back to their owners and getting all the legal stuff set
up for the new houses and taking utilities and things like that to the
missionaries that are moving into the new houses. Best part is that we didn’t
get stuck on the freeway this week until three in the morning. Worst part and
also probably the funniest is that earlier this week we were cleaning out a
house and we had to get some wooden closets out of the top floor. We tried
taking it down the stairs but they were just too narrow. So there was only one
option left... the window... ha-ha so we took the windows out and we had to
lower this big old closet. We had a rope that we put through the closet as a
support. I stayed upstairs while my companion went downstairs to lower it down.
I wrapped the rope around my waste to have some leverage and let it down
slowly. I let it into his hands and he told me to go down and help him. I ran
down. I got down and put some support under the closet with him but then the
thing started tipping over to the left. I knew that there was no saving it. I
kind of gave it a push so it would get out of our reach. My comp was on the
left side. Unfortunately the closet scuffed up his arms and put a tiny gash in
his head... he survived. Ha-ha it was crazy. We didn’t take any pics of that
one but for the second closet we called the ZLs from that sector to help us
out. They did. Same tactic but a lot easier and I stayed up to keep the thing
from falling with the rope. Ha-ha my comp took some pics of that one I will see
if I can send you a pic! =) Last p-day and today we just cleaned around the
house and hung out. Today we couldn’t do anything because the Chile and Brazil
game was on so we had to stay inside. But this morning we did have time to walk
around the centro and look at things to buy. I bought a Chilean flag =) cheap
too. But we do have an advantage on p-days. Sounds like one of these we will be
heading over to pichilemu (the beach)
3. My comp has about nine months in
the mission. This is his third change in the office. I have more time than him
in the mission.
4. We only eat at members houses on Sundays.
The rest of the week we just buy food wherever we are. My eating schedule has become a little messed
up and I think that it is messing with my stomach a little bit but that is
5. We go to church at a branch
called Villa Teniente. About 100 people go every week. All the office elders go
to different wards. For example, Elder M and Elder J go to Recreo, my
last sector and the assistants go to a ward called Tupahue. The mission
president goes to a different ward or branch every week.
6. My Narnia picture...We helped a
married couple (the Johnson’s) move out of their old house into the new
apartment. They lived in a place called Chepica. It was a nice house. So
anyways there was an old closet upstairs that belongs to the owner and we just
thought of Narnia when we saw it so we put ourselves in it to take pics. It was
Thanks! I am still doing pretty darn
good! It sometimes is a lot different but I really like it. We do a lot of work
and we are always occupied doing something it seems like. I love the joy that I
see on the faces of someone when we do what they need. They are so happy and it
is just a rewarding feeling to me. =) I am glad that the Lord has given me this
opportunity. One thing that is kind of a bummer is that we don’t always have
time to study so if you want to study you have got to fight for your time. I
try to study a little bit every day. I love the spiritual feed that it is. I
hope that you guys in your crazy lives can find and fight for the time to
spiritually feed yourselves so when the "shafts in the whirlwinds"
come you will be able to overcome the temptation and do what God wants and asks
of us. I hope that you all have a great week and that you enjoy the freedom
that we have in the great U S of A! I love every blessing that God gives to us!
=) Take some fun pics for me =) Love each and every one of you! Talk to you
Love, Elder Tegan Hall
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