Hey MOM!!! =) How are you?! I am
glad to hear from you. Ha-ha, that is great that you heard “Dust in the Wind”
this week. Elder Bednar gave a talk one time about the tender mercies of the
Lord and how when he was first called as an apostle he was nervous but the
opening hymn was his favorite and he knew that the Lord was aware of him and
his needs. I know that is what happens with all of us too. The Lord always
shows us his tender mercies https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2005/04/the-tender-mercies-of-the-lord?lang=eng.
That is the link to his talk.
Olivia sent me a picture of their horse trip
and it is so pretty! I miss Idaho wilderness!!!! That is great they are having
a good time on their horseback riding trips! I should have gone more with
grandfather but I loved the trips that we had together =)
Wow, football
season has already started again?? About a year ago I was in my last week of
the MTC and was so pumped to come to Chile. Now I have been here for almost a
year! I remember thinking about my
friends who would be playing in the first game of the season. Ha-ha that is
nuts... you will have to let me know how Hillcrest does. I am glad that you have been
getting a lot of rain. It has been rainy down here too which is good but it
gets cold. The first two days of this week were sooo hot... but the rest of
this week was cold. I have enjoyed the weather. It feels tropical and kind of
reminds me of Hawaii at times.
Spring-time in Chile |
Q & A
We are trying to be really organized
but there are so many things going on at a time that I feel like I can’t get my
head above water sometimes... I try though. Elder O is a big help to me. We
gave two houses back this week to owners. We spent a lot of time and money
fixing up the houses but in the end they looked really well. The rest of the
week we just fixed old houses up and painted and stuff. The weeks have been
going by so fast and it is crazy... I don’t have time to write in my journal it
feels like but I will start making time.
This last week I feel like I have
been a little bit ungrateful... it is a terrible feeling. I have been thinking
a lot about what I am grateful for and trying to appreciate more what I have. I
really am so blessed and know that without the Lord and great family and
friends that surround me I wouldn’t have anything.
Today for p-day we helped some
sister missionaries move into our old apartment and we cleaned our house. We haven’t
done any fun p-day activities lately.... I need a good fun stress relieving
activity. This next week we will be going to the fair so that should be good =) I
am pumped for that!
2. I can drive down here because I
have an international driver’s license. It basically makes my stated license
valid in any country where it applies of course. So that is cool but it only
lasts for a year!
3. No, I am not in charge of paying
the rents. We have a financer. (Elder D- senior couple) He is great and
we let him know about all of the contracts and the rents and he takes care of
the money! So that works out nicely.
4. My talk last Sunday went super well. I talked about
the priesthood and my life and a shared the scripture from D&C 121:36. I
talked about principles of righteousness and how I have learned those in my
life. I told about one time when I stole a few Swedish fish from Eastgate Drug
when I was a kid and we went home. Later you found out and took me back there
and I can’t remember if I had to pay but I was embarrassed for what I did so I
learned a great lesson there due to a loving mother who taught me a principle
of righteousness. THANK YOU MOM! =) I also shared the pink bike experience. It
was a fun talk =)
I love you guys and I hope you know
that and more importantly feel that... I am so blessed with a great family. I hope that you have a wonderful week
and I continue to pray for you and feel the support from your prayers. I know
that Heavenly Father listens to us even if we don’t think so. I have shared an
example many times on my mission that happened to me once. I lost my phone on a
dirt bike trip to the pumice pits. I realized that when I got home. I went back
looking everywhere I had been but couldn’t find it.... when all hope was almost
gone, I knelt and said a prayer and I looked up and saw a corner of my phone
sticking out of some snow. I had already looked in that spot too. I know the
Lord listens to us even in the smallest and simplest things. I hope that you
have a great week! I LOVE YOU!
Elder Tegan Hall